Saturday, April 30, 2011

18 Axonometrics ( including Electroliquid Aggregation)

Sigmund Frued H1(left): "Freud’s belief that smoking can enhance the capacity to work has probably made many psychiatrists die too young" ; Maria Agressi H1(right): "That something is too small to physically exist, does not mean that it does not exist".
Maria Agressi H2: "An entity can be analysed by looking at the smaller parts that it is comprised of".

Sigmund Frued H2(left): "The idea that it is possible to cure mental illness by analysing dreams has made people paranoid about dreaming".
Isaac Newton H1(left): "Newton’s universal law of gravitation won’t let anyone fly without wings"; Isaac Newton H2(right):"Newton changed the scientific world based on his discovery of the Law of Gravity".

Electroliquid Aggregation

Isaac Newton H2 + Maria Agressi H1
Isaac Newton H1 + Sigmund Freud H1

Sigmund Frued H2 + Maria Agressi H2

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