Monday, October 24, 2011

Poster Workshop 3 : Montage it!

<--- This a conceptual model for a bathhouse. The Red and Blue motif is response to the different temperatures of showers available in a bath house. Red is potrayed to have more "movement" in the design, to symbolise the rapid movement of molecules in hot water, whereas water, is potrayed as calm and stationary.

Photomontage experiment:

I was experimenting with how does the concept model relate to the site, and the conclusion is that the model seems to have more credibilty when there is water and people in the context.

 Final photomontage:
The site used was a photo of Cockatoo Island (that I took last year). It has all the elements needed to give the site it's context.

 My main focus for the photomontages was the realism of the windwos. I wanted to convey a feeling of realism by adding reflections onto the windows. This helps the building to sit well with site.

I used similar colours of the model for the background to maintain a sense of continuity. Finally, I asked a question: Why is texture so important in a conceptual presentation?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

DRAW IT(process+poster)

Drafting: Firstly, I drafted the outlines of the drawings using pencil. Then, I traced using ink.

Rendering: Watercolour is the medium I'm most comfortable using. It's nice to see the come to life with colours!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Experiment 3 - Final Model (with videos and folder link)

The bridge from a distance. Oprah's office is on the left, whereas Lady Gaga's office is on the right. The meeting place is below the bridge, which can only be accessed by elevators.( Control Commands: Oprah - to go down, press 'l' ; to go up, press 'k' ; Gaga - to move down, press 'p' ; to move up, press 'o'. )
Lady Gaga's office consists of two levels: the top and the bottom. The top level is for open-air performances, whereas the bottom level is a bar, for her fans to spend time with her. The variety of forms in the structure indicates her sense of variety in fashion. Hence, making her an influential fashion icon. Note: elevator on the left hand side.
Gaga's power in creativity is expressed using various forms, as well different colours. All of them engaging to the structure. The image above shows the platform for Gaga's performances. Next, the stairs (shown in blue in first image) links to two levels together.
The spiral forms on the pathway of the bridge signifies the dynamism of both celebrities. Both of them, Oprah and Gaga, are powerful in their own right. Just like spiral reaches out to its surrounding spaces, hence both celebrities have the desire to reach out to the world.
This is Oprah's office. 'The hand' is s symbol of her integrity and openness. This is due to the fact that Oprah is always willing to help people, most commonly via her talk show. 'The hand' is also a great place to reflect upon matters, due to it's scale, which makes visitors feel like they belonged to something big. A power of security is felt in a powerful individual.
The dining table floats on the water. Visitors have to travel a short distance from their respective elevators to the dining table.

Link to Crysis and Sketchup folders. (Sketchup file in the Object folder):

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Feedback sheets


1st Draft for Experiment 3

The main weaknesses of this draft is that it has only one elevator and the elevator is not well thought out. Besides, the bridge lacks a believable supporting structure. Moreover, the concept of power is not properly expressed in the form of the bridge.

My choice for a valley: the Grand Canyon, located in America, home to Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga.

Image link for The Grand Canyon:

Articles Mashup: The Power of Celebrities

What do Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, and Jonathan Ive have in common? The answer is they are all influential people. However, for every great person there is a beginning, and same can be said for these people. Oprah spent her childhood in poverty whereas Gaga was struggling to get attention for her music. Unlike Gaga, Jonathan was not discovered until he joined Apple Inc.

Gaga wields the power of motivation, influence, and creativity. Lady Gaga’s influence over fashion motivates designers to push their creative limits to create extraordinary fashion lines. Besides, her talent in music not only brings her income, instead she allows other pop stars to shine as well, a power of inspiration. What really sets Gaga apart from her contemporaries is that she is responsible for every part of her act. She directs her own shows, designs the sets, chooses the clothes and writes the songs. She never, ever lip-synchs. Despite her coterie of creatives back home, whom she calls the "Haus of Gaga", she retains complete control over everything. If Gaga has spent the past two years fending off suggestions that she is nothing more than the product of a record-company brainstorm, she is not offended: "It's exactly the kind of discussion that I want to start."

Next, the power of insight, wisdom, and influence are held by Oprah. Her influence is such that recommendations from her book club automatically create bestsellers. Even books with similar titles find themselves hurtling up the sales lists. Critics (mostly male) sneer at her populist choices, though she has also recommended Tolstoy and Faulkner. But they ignore the fact that Oprah is singlehandedly persuading millions of Americans to switch off their televisions and read a book (and talk about it afterwards). Government cannot do that; Oprah can.

Finally, Jonathan yields the power of humility and creativity. He is softly-spoken, enjoys nights at home watching The Office on video and rarely gives interviews. One of his close friends, the DJ John Digweed, recalls that when the pair first met it was months before he actually realised what Ive did. Digweed describes a night when he and Ive were having dinner in San Francisco, where Ive lives with his wife, Heather, a historian and writer. 'Jonathan was saying how they'd designed different things and I'm sitting there thinking, "Oh, my God. His work is used by creative people across the world every day but he has no ego about it."'

Link to Lady Gaga’s article:

Link to Oprah Winfrey’s article:

Link to Jonathan Ive’s article:,6903,1111276,00.html